Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Typical of Special Magistrate and Metropolitan Magistrate

Section 12: Special Magistrate.
If an Executive Magistrate is empowered to try a special case then that  magistrate is an Special  Executive Magistrate, If a Judicial Magistrate is empowered by the Government for a special case then that  magistrate is a Special Magistrate and like this if a Metropolitan Magistrate is empowered by the Government to try a special case then that Magistrate is a Special metropolitan Magistrate.
 Thus these way special Magistrate are of 3 types as bellow:
  1.  Special Executive Magistrate
  2.  Special Magistrate
  3. Special Metropolitan Magistrate
Section 18: Chief Metropolitan  Magistrate Court (CMM)
Under this section there is a Metropolitan court out of district Judicial court. Ant these metropolitan court are of 3 types, such as
  1. Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Court (CMM Court)
  2.  Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Court (ACMM Court)
  3. Metropolitan Magistrate Court (MM Court)

Note: As per provision of these  section 12 and  section 18  in a court practice there are 3 types of special Magistrate instead of  3 classes of Special Magistrate and similarly there are 3 types of Metropolitan Magistrate instead of 3 classes metropolitan magistrate.
 Practical MCQ:
1.Question: What is the classification Special Magistrate
Option: (a) 2              (b) 3                (c) 4                (d)  None
Answer: (d)
2.Question: What types of  Special Magistrate are?
Option: (a) 2              (b) 3                (c) 4                (d)  None
Answer: (b)
3.Question: What is the classification Metropolitan Magistrate ?
Option: (a) 2              (b) 3                (c) 4                (d)  None
Answer: (d)
4.Question: What is types of Metropolitan Magistrate are?
Option: (a) 2              (b) 3                (c) 4                (d)  None
Answer: (b)

Special Note: The explanation are in practical based in the court practice, otherwise classification of Executive Magistrate and Special Magistrate under section 6 has none. This is why executive Magistrate and Special magistrate are not classified but they are in stepwise or typical  as mentioned.

Monday, 1 October 2018

Classification of Criminal Court

Under Section 6 : Classification of Criminal
 Under Section 6 (1): There are two typs of Criminal Court
          1. Magistrate Court
          2. Session Court
Under Section 6 (2): There are two types of  Magistrate Court.
         1. Judicial Magistrate Court
         2. Executive Magistrate Court
 Under section 6(3) : There are 4 types of Judicial court
        1. Chief Judicial Magistrate Court (CJM)
        2. Ist Class Magistrate Court
        3. 2nd Class Magistrate Court

        4. 3rd Class Magistrate Court

Note : Jurisdiction of Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate and Additional Chief metropolitan Magistrate are same.
Foot Note : According to the provision  of Section 6  of CrPC  only Magistrate Court are classified where Judicial Magistrate court 4 types but Session and executive Magistrate Court are not classified in accordance to this section where as